生业用英语怎么说 生业英语翻译-快3下载投大小单双平台
生业英语是"means of livelihood",还可以翻译为pfession,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到73个与生业相关翻译和例句。
4. ecofact( 生态物;社会风险顾问公司义格非;生业活动)
5. nonrecng(a. 不是一再发生\n[经] 临时业务, 偶生业务)
6. life saving (un. 救生业\n 海上救生队;生命挽救服务;救生机构)
ecological agculte sustainable agculte envinmental-fendly agculte ecological farmin( 生态农业 )
ethello business ethello ( 生业品德 )
agcultal pduction agcultal pduction peasant pduction ( 农业生产 )
graduate scarbough fair ( 毕业生 )
occupational therapist ( 生业疗法 )
pducer s pductive sector pducer s pduction-oented induste( 生产服务业 )
senior high school graduates graduating student this year's graduates crent year's graduate ( 应届毕业生 )
occupational diseases ( 生业病 )
4. usually this takes the form of assing creditors that the sks of a bank, a company or a dod credit devative are really minimal.
5. quality is defined as meeting o customers' requirements. customers are not only those who buy fm us, but ryone who transacts with us.
6. such a life engenders increasing contl over the generation of ( skt; pali, ).